Beast Wars: Transformers, (titled Beasties: Transformers in Canada), is an American-Canadian CG animated television series that debuted in 1996, serving as the flagship of the Transformers: Beast Wars franchise. The series was set in the future of the "original" Transformers universe as a sequel to the first Transformers series (which has since been rebooted in limited comic book stories by Dreamwave and IDW among others).
The Beast Wars TV series was produced by Mainframe Entertainment of Canada; its story editors were Bob Forward and Larry DiTillio. All three seasons are currently available on DVD in the USA and other Region 1 territories. In Australia, to coincide with the show's tenth anniversary in 2006, Madman Entertainment released all three seasons in Region 4 format. These boxsets include "world exclusive" special features, such as commentaries and interviews with the voice actors.
The production designer for the show, Clyde Klotz, won a Daytime Emmy Award for Outstanding Individual Achievement in Animation in 1997 for his work on Beast Wars.
- Garry Chalk as Optimus Primal, Megatron (G1)
- Scott McNeil as Rattrap, Dinobot, Waspinator, Silverbolt, Cicadacon, Dinobot II
- Richard Newman as Rhinox, Vok
- Ian James Corlett as Cheetor, Sentinel, Maximal Computer, Sea Clamp
- Blu Mankuma as Tigatron, Tigerhawk, Vok, Unicron
- Pauline Newstone as Airazor
- David Sobolov as Depth Charge
- David Kaye as Megatron
- Don Brown as Scorponok
- Alec Willows as Tarantulas
- Doug Parker as Terrorsaur and Starscream
- Venus Terzo as Blackarachnia
- Jim Byrnes as Inferno
- Colin Murdock as Quickstrike
- Campbell Lane as Rampage
- Elizabeth Carol Savenkoff as the Predacon Computer
- Lee Tockar as Ravage and Ram Horn