Beast Wars Transformers Wiki

The Legend of the Twelve Talismans is a myth story by Merlin (Disney) about the Twelve Talismans of Shendu the Wicked. Shendu once defeated the Z-Council by removing them of their talismans. In the process, he removed their abilities to transform back into robot mode, transfixating them in beast mode. The Z-Council scattered all across the Multiverse, searching for their powerful transformation talismans, even in their locked beast modes. Shendu then joined the Predacon-aligned villains, such as King Goobot V, Darth Maul, and French Villain Hawk Moth in order to try again and again to kill the heroes. Shendu is even told of a waging short war between the brave Superman (DC) and the malevolent Skullivar. The war lasted only one hour, according to Shendu's son, Drago (Jackie Chan Adventures). Maniacally driven insane, Shendu banishes Drago, and as punishment, Lo Pei, a heroic wizard, banished Shendu by turning him into a statue-like shield. 900 years later, after all 12 of the Talismans have been found by an unwitting geologist, the Z-Council land on Earth. Shendu knows this, and Valmont, leader of the Dark Hand, is ready to free him.
